
Friday, February 28, 2014

Should the government conduct the national examination or not?

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Prosperous, and happy congratulation to all audience
Praise be to Allah SWT The God who has the Almighty, and give thanks to prophet Muhammad SAW the light of the worlds
Honorable : to the juries, and also the joyful audience
In this good occasion here, I would like to deliver a speech Based the theme SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT CONDUCT THE NATIONAL EXAM OR NOT ?. And Of Course I have my own reason why I choose this topic
Ladies and Gentleman,
National Examination Always been a bugbear for students, How aren’t ? this Examination determine a student passed or not to going on to next  education ladder. However, in recent years occurred controversy in public about should the government conduct the national exam or not?. A lot of people thinked the National Examination is mostly needed because National Examination as a measure of educational success in Indonesia. In other side, the people thinked the National Examination is unnecessary again because there’s many negative things in doing so.
But, I think the National Examination unnecessary again because I have the reason about my opinion. At the principle, the national examination would be better if the government doesn’t conduct anymore. Why ? this is my 5 reason :
1.      Graduation of students determined by school organizers, especially the teachers. Wrongful if the graduation determined by others whose doesn’t teach the students. It’s a base principle of education evaluation, because school graduation engage some lesson subject, so the determined in coordination by school.
2.      Technically and procedure the National examination will be getting so serious resistance. A very wide Indonesia geographycal region. Distribution infrastructure of Examination Question is still bad, poor ingenuousness mentality from student.
3.      From practice side, up till now cannot be seen with significant National Examination influence on overall quality of education.
4.      Impact from National Examination implementation exactly directing to ironic things with educational purpose. Cheating everywhere, both by teacher, schools, student and even other.
5.      The costs are very large. For last year only required Rp. 600 billion. This money can be diverted to improve the quality of education or expand the poor people’s access to education

Maybe, any of you’re wondering, If the National exam will be completely removed, then how about with quality standard?
When the National Exam completely removed it’s doesn’t mean standard quality of national education can’t be reach. The national exam is just one instrument in education. There’s many other instruments. What’s that ? this is the other instruments of education except national education :
1.      to improve the effectiveness of supervision, improve the quality of teachers across Indonesia, improve school infrastructure, added a lot book on the library collection
2.      to conduct examinations with some school (e.g region level exam) by a mechanism that involves all the schools that want their student on exam.
3.      to improve the effectiveness of school accreditation. Accreditation results can be used to improve the quality of education in schools. Nationally, school accreditation results can also be used as material to map the entire state of education in Indonesia.

Alright Brother and Sister, one more logical basis is needed to abolition of national examinations is to look at the implementation of thecollege that are simultaneously as Junior High School or Senior High School or vocational high school national examinations. This is not an issue, such as economics majors held many colleges from Sabang until Merauke, both public and private colleges, but has never held a national examination Economics Majors throughout Indonesia.

The abolition of national examinations, regional autonomy put forward. Initiative or creativity of local people will appreciated.  Doesn’t like as now, considered as areas not ables to conduct quality exam for their students. In addition, it also reduces the excessive centralism of education. During the national exams is also “ A wetland” for certain people in Jakarta

Ladies and gentleman,
Here we conclude, that is my opinion about the reason of why national examination is doesn’t needed again. Certainly much more negative impact in the implementation of the nationa examination. I hope the Governments want to review is important or not the national examination in order to improve the quality of education quality in Indonesia

Okay, now I think my time is up. Finally, that’s all my speech, I hope this will be useful for all. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarahkaatuh


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